Allahabad Airport or Allahabad Bamrauli Airport (IATA: IXD, ICAO: VIAL) is located at Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India. It is at a distance of 12 km (7.5 mi) from Allahabad and is operational for domestic flights. Nearest other operational airports are Varanasi and Lucknow.
Runway : 8,110 ft / 2,472 m
Location : Airport-in-Charge
Airports Authority of India (NAD), Allahabad Airport
Allahabad - 211003
State: Uttar Pradesh
Phone: +91-532-633574
Allahabad Airport
Related Information
Latitude : 25° 26' 24.23" N
Longitude : 081° 44' 01.94" E
Elivation : 322 feet / 98 meters
Operator : Airports Authority of India / Indian Ar
Time : UTC+5:30
Beacon : Yes
Operational Agency : Military