Air Freight Forwarding: Special air freight rates for bulk movements, Import air freight consolidations, Combined air-sea freight services, A door to door delivery, Custom brokerage, Warehousing, distribution and delivery, Project freight, Order followup tracking system, Supply chain tracking system, Provide attractive rates for chartered services on request, Pharmaceutical Logistics/ Transportation, Life Science Logistics, Clinical Trial Medicine Transportations, Temperature control transportation.
Sea Freight Forwarding: Sea freight e import consolidation, Combined air, sea freight services, A door to door delivery, Custom brokerage, L.C.L consolidation, F.C.L consolidation, Warehousing, distribution and delivery, Order follow-up tracking systems, Supply chain tracking systems, Factory stuffing, Multi-model transport operators, Infrastructure and services facilities at all seaports and dry parts.
Air Import Customs Clearance:Import against duty payment under Home Consumption, Import into Customs Bonded Warehouse and subsequent exbond / re-export, Duty-free / Duty-Exempted Imports against license under various schemes such as advance license, SFIS / DFCEC, EPCG & DEPB license, Import under Free Trade Agreement (FTA/PTA) e.g. with SAARC / ASEAN Countries and others, Import under High Seas Sale, Import under Transfer of Residence (TR), Duty-Free supply to Embassies / Consulates, Defense & Ship Stores, STPI/SEZ clearance, Import and procurement certificate from STPI, 100% EOU Clearance.