Antervedi Lighthouse ( Narsapur Lighthouse ) Antervedi Lighthouse, previously known as Narsapur Lighthouse named after Narsapur point, is situated on the East Bank of Vasishta Godavari river entrance. The name Antervedi for the Lighthouse was adopted from the name of the nearby temple of Antervedi Narsimha Swamy. The station is approachable by road from Rajahmundry Railway station about 40 km away. The buses ply up to Antervedi Narasimha Swamy Temple (Via) Ravuapalam and Razole and then by walk the last stretch of about 2 km. A 2.5 m high Square Brick masonry column existed half a kilometer west of the present Lighthouse which served as a Beacon during the early years of 20th century. It is not known who built the Beacon but it served well for over four decades as a day mark.. This was probably the original Narsapur point beacon. The construction of the new Lighthouse was started in 1966-67 and completed in 1970-71. The optical equipment supplied by M/s B.B.T., Paris, was installed on the tower. The lighthouse was commissioned on 28th June 1971. Later on the Radio Beacon equipment supplied by M/s Nautel, Canada, was installed at the station and put on the Air on 31st January 1980. The light source was changed to Metal Halide lamp 230V 400W on 18th September 1997. View Profile >>
Armagon Lighthouse Armagon lighthouse lies in Nellore district of Andhra Pradesh. The lighthouse station is about 80 km from Naidupettai railway station (near Gudur). The last leg of about 5 km of the approach to station is only a cart track involving crossing of Buckingham Canal and bullock cart has to be engaged for the transport. The light house marks the shoal about 6 NM off the shore. Mr Stevenson after his visit to station in 1926 had reported of low power DA gas burner. He also mentioned that the station was unhealthy.A circular masonry Lighthouse tower about 30m high was constructed in 1853. The first light was an oillamp with optic installed on this tower. In 1902 third order optic and group flashing DA gas light replaced the fixed light. This equipment remained in position till 1928 when the Lighthouse was abandoned due to heavy Malarial attack and keepers dying one after the other. The station remained closed for a long time as the measures for radication of mosquitoes from the station and the adjoining areas took number of years. The attempts to install a sun valve in order to convert the station into an unattended station did not first succeed. The station was made operational in 1938. After the lapse of about 40 years the project for the construction of a new 37m Lighthouse tower was taken up and PRB 21 equipment obtained from M/s Asia Navigational Aids, New Delhi was installed and commissioned on 20th March 1983. The old tower was dismantled up to half its height and modified to support the water tank for the supply of water to the station. View Profile >>
Arnala Lighthouse Arnala Lighthouse is about 10 km West by road from Virar Railway station (Mumbai-Surat Trunk Route). Regular Ntransport is available from Virar for proceeding to Arnala. There is a pucca road up to the lighthouse. The coast is about 300 m away from the lighthouse. There is a small island off the coast near the entrance to the creek on northern side. A fort was built on this island by the Portuguese in 16th century, which served as a prominent land mark. Arnala is an important fishing port since centuries. The earliest light here was an ordinary oil lamp hoisted from a mast provided in 1860 which was later improved. In 1907 an iron frame was erected on Custom deptt’s plot. A single burner oil wick lamp inside a 6th order optic was installed on this tower. The lighthouse was placed under the supervision of custom officials.In January 1927 Mr D..Alan Stevenson, the lighthouse expert visited the station and found the light grossly inadequate and recommended for its shifting. A flashing DA gas light replaced the kerosene light in 1962. It used to be exhibited only during the fair season. A new 15 m MS trestle tower replaced the earlier structure and a DA gas flasher inside 300 mm optic and a sun valve were installed over this tower in 1967. The light was now made available through out the year. A new storm warning signal mast was also erected during the same year.Under the scheme of modernization a new 30 m GI trestle with arrangement to hoist storm warning signals was erected in 1996 and a revolving light (Tideland make) was installed over it. The new light was commissioned on 24th June 1996. A separate emergency light with 12V 100W halogen lamp working on electronic flasher was installed in September 1999. View Profile >>
Bedi Bandar Lighthouse The port of Bedi was developed by the rulers of Nawanagar State (Jamnagar) as a tidal port complex towards the end of 19th Century mainly to facilitate trade with Arabia, East African Countries and Malabar in South. The crafts used to anchor off Rozi and navigate into the Bedi channel when sufficient water for their draughts was available during high tides.A light was provided on the bastion of Rozi mata temple in the year 1867. This light was meant to assist mariners anchor their vessels at Rozi anchorage. It functioned only during fair season. It was an ordinary wick lamp being hoisted from a mast erected on the temple bastion built on the mouths of Rangamati creek. In 1897 the mast was removed and a cast iron pedestal was provided to support an improved lamp with a 6th order optic. The light now was exhibited throughout the year. Flashing light was introduced in 1929 and in 1964 300 mm DA gas equipment with sun-valve was installed in place of the oil lamp. Close to the temple a passenger shed cum transit godown wasconstructed in 1919-20. It was linked to Jamnagar Railway station by an MG rail line. A jetty up to the reef edge was constructed during 1939-40 which was connected to the shed by a road.With the increase in traffic and in order to reduce the time taken by lighter-age system, new docks were constructed during 1975-76 at the mouths of Bedi creek (about 7 km from Bedi port) which came to be known as New Bedi port. The Rozimata temple light was shifted on to the edge of new port quay wall and came to be known as Bedi Bandar Lighthouse. A battery operated flasher with electronic controls, supplied by ANA was installed on the trestle tower and was commissioned into service on 4th March 1987. The system has been modified for solar operation in the year 1998. With many a powerful light coming up on the quay wall, this light was no longer required longer required and has since been discontinued on 30th September 2002. View Profile >>
Bompoka Island Lighthouse Bompoka island lies about 2.5 km east from southern end of nearby Teressa Island in the Nancowry group of islands.The hills on the island rise upto 193 m. The island has dense forest and some portions have grass growth. There is thick coconut palm growth on shores all round the island. The portion of sea between the Teressa and Bompoka islands provides a good shelter for the ships. The island has a few inhabitants who mainly depend for all their requirements on Teressa Island. In fact they are the part of the original populace of Teressa island only. Teressa island is visited by passenger vessels regularly. View Profile >>
Bural Reef (Chanka Island) Lighthouse Bural lighthouse on the North West point of the vast Bural reef is an important land mark for vessels cruising in the deep water channel leading to SBM Vadinar and Sikka ports. Bural reef is the largest reef close to Saurashtra coast in the gulf of Kachchh. It has on it three high islets,Bhaidar Tapu, Narara Tapu and Chank Tapu. They are separated from Bural by shallow channels. Bural Lighthouse site is logistically located. It is approachable by Light house tender MV Deepstambh or by hiring a machine boat from Okha or Salaya port. The small size boats can be taken up to the Lighthouse during high tides. However during the low tide the boat has to be anchored away from the reef and a dinghy boat has to be used to reach the reef edge and then cover the remaining distance up to the Lighthouse by walk It is not safe to venture the sailing during monsoons.There wasn’t any beacon existing earlier on Bural reef. The construction of a Lighthouse was taken up in 1977 and completed by the 1978 end. The 500 mm optic and Dal’en mixer lighting equipment of AGA make working on DA gas was installed and commissioned into service on the 19th April 1979. A Lighthouse Engineer P.K. Vanvari breathed his last on 21 March 1978 at Bural during the construction of the Lighthouse.Subsequently ‘Marconi’ Racon was also installed on the Lighthouse on 17th March 1980. It received energy from the battery charged by Solar Panels which was the first ever use of Solar panel at an island station in the Department of Lighthouses & Lightships. The DA gas equipment was removed and in its place flasher operating on Electronic circuit and Halogen lamp (JLWL) was installed and commissioned on 18th March 1994. The ‘Marconi’ Racon was replaced by ‘Tide land’ Racon on 18th February 1997. View Profile >>
Cape Cannaught Lighthouse The Lighthouse has been built on the southern tip of Nancowry Island in Nancowry group of Islands The Lighthouse is approachable by the Lighthouse tender M.V. Pradeep. It can also be approached from Champin Village (opposite Kamorta Island) by walk through the thick forest. Nancowry island is inhabited by local Nicobarese in Champin village on the northern tip of island opposite Kamorta island. The two islands are separated by a navigable channel. The regular passenger boats ferry between Kamorta and Champin. The need to establish this lighthouse was long felt. The implementation however got delayed due mainly for the remoteness of site The construction of 12m high masonry tower was completed in February 1993 and then immediately installation of optical equipment consisting of 500 mm drum optic and lantern supplied by M/s .Stone India, Calcutta with halogen lamp, electronic flasher operating on Batteries charged by Solar energy was taken up. The light was commissioned on 8th April 1993. View Profile >>
Chandra Bhaga Lighthouse The Lighthouse is about 3.5 km away by road from the famous 13th century Sun temple of Konark on Puri road. The Lighthouse has derived its name from the near by river Chandrabhaga which has dried down and now no more exists. There was no light provided in this region prior to the present lighthouse. The vessels earlier should be taking bearing with reference to the Sun temple. There were regular visits by vessels from Bali, Java, Sumatra and Srilanka in the ancient times. The construction of lighthouse tower was taken up in 1965 and completed in 1967. The installation of equipment supplied by M/s Stone Chance, Birmingham was taken up immediately after. The light was commissioned in to service on 1st March 1968. View Profile >>
Chank Tapu Lighthouse Chank Tapu Lighthouse is situated on the North Eastern point of vast Bural reef. The Bural reef is in continuity of many reefs and shoals in the region close to Salaya Port.It is possible to reach the Lighthouse by a machine boat from Salaya port during the high tides. However during low tides, the boat can go up to the nearest edge of the reef and then the remaining distance up to the lighthouse has to be covered by walk. There is no shelter provided at the Lighthouse. As such the lighthouse work party camps at Kalubhar tapu and from there they attend this lighthouse.In 1885 a stone mound was built at the same site over which a flag staff was erected which served the crafts sailing during the day to and from Salaya port. In the year 1928 the mound was remodelled and an iron trestle frame was erected over it to support an oil lamp. Then in 1934 a proper Lantern with 6th order optic was installed. The Lascars from Kalubhar Lighthouse attended Chank Lighthouse also. They used to take a sail boat from Kalubhar adjusting tide timings to reach Chank Tapu before dusk. The light used to remain inoperative during the monsoons. The oil lamp was replaced by a DA gas flasher in the year 1952.During 1969-70 the Lighthouse structure was improved and the new DA gas equipment in 300mm optic with sun valve(AGA) was installed in place of the old one. In the year 1987-88, the old structure was dismantled and a new square masonry base was built over which a new Trestle Tower was erected. The same DA gas equipment was reinstalled over the trestle frame work. The DA gas equipment was removed and Solar operated flasher (JLWL) was installed in the same optic and was commissioned on the 12th March 1994. View Profile >>
Chhachhi Lighthouse In the ancient period nearby Sandhan was a busy port which was later on abandoned due to heavy silting of the water way. There did not however exist any lighted beacon earlier at Chhachhi. In order to provide uniform coverage and important land mark for the vessels entering the Gulf of Kachchh, this lighthouse was planned during 1955-56.( the first five year plan).Chhachhi village is linked by a road to Mandvi-Naliya highway. From Chhachhi village to the Lighthouse about one km portion is an un-metalled road which gets cut off during monsoons.Initially, a DA gas flashing light inside a 300mm cut and polished drum optic and Lantern on MS Trestle was installed in 1957. It was followed by the construction of the present Lighthouse Tower. The revolving electrically operated lighting equipment was supplied by M/s BBT, Paris. The light was commissioned into service on 15th June 1964. The emergency light source working on DA gas was replaced by 12V/100W halogen lamp on 20th May 1993. The direct drive system was integrated at the station on 20th January 1997.A 65 metres Radar tower with ‘X’ Band Radar has been planned for the proposed VTS in the Gulf of kachchh at Chhachhi. View Profile >>
Dariapur Lighthouse Dariapur is 175 km from Howrah by road. The site is close to the spot where legendary Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay got inspiration to write famous Kapalkundla in 1860. The original Lighthouse site is one km East of the present station. A 20 m mild steel mast was erected in 1943 at that site on which a wick lamp used to be hoisted under the supervision of local port official. Subsequently DA Gas equipment with sun valve replaced the wick lamp. This light remained in operation till the present Lighthouse came into existence. The work of construction of the present RCC Lighthouse Tower was completed in 1968. The optical equipment earlier installed at old Dwarka Lighthouse in 1881 and dismantled in 1964 has been installed here after certain modifications. It was a P.V.light and was commissioned here on 1st June1968. The P.V. equipment has since been replaced by 230V 70W metal halide lamp and low maintenance batteries charged by photo voltaic modules. The system was commissioned in March 1999. A Racon of `Tide land’ USA make was installed on the Lighthouse on 23rd August 1995. View Profile >>
Dolphins Nose Lighthouse The hill range on which Lighthouse exists is known as Yarada Konda and the site at which lighthouse is constructed is known as Dolphin’s Nose over looking the entrance to Visakhapatnam Harbour. Visakhapatnam is a natural Harbour in the back waters formed by Meghadri River and hills around. An all weather road links lighthouse to the city. A flagstaff was raised on the fort in 1902 for hoisting storm warning signals. Then a light was placed on a 15 m circular asonry tower constructed close to the flag mast. This was the first lighted beacon in the region followed by break water lights in 1932. In 1926 two sites Nekonda point and Dolphin’s Nose had been inspected by the lighthouse Expert Mr Alan D. Stevenson for the construction of a major lighthouse and he recommended in favour of Dolphin’s nose site. Accordingly a beacon was provided near the present lighthouse site in 1940. It was a DA gas flasher of AGA make and remained in service up to 1957 when the new lighthouse was ready after installation of lighting equipment supplied by M/s B.B.T., Paris. It was inaugurated by Mr Lal Bahadur Shastri, then Minister of Transport and Communication on 15th June 1957 in presence of Mr Nagendra Singh, Secretary and Mr S.K. Lahiri, Director General of Lighthouses and Lightships. The light Source was changed from incandescent lamp to metal halide lamp on 20th July 1997. The Radio Beacon equipment supplied by M/s Nippon, Japan was installed at the station which became operational on 1st March 1961. This equipment was replaced by solid state version supplied by M/s MACE, Visakhapatnam on 6th January 1991. Station was changed over to transmitting DGPS correction on 31st August 1998. The DGPS equipment manufactured by M/s Leica Geo Systems, USA and supplied and installed by M/s Elcom Marine, Mumbai View Profile >>
Dwaraka Point Lighthouse Dwarka is an important pilgrim centre and head quarters of Okha mandal region. It is situated on Okha–Mumbai rail link and is 145 Km from Jamnagar. The famous Dwarkadheesh -Lord Krishna temple here was constructed more than 500 years ago on the confluence of river Gomti and Arabian Sea. Prior to independence Dwarka was part of state of Baroda. It was the centre of military action against native Wagher revolt on 8th December 1820..A port was developed in the early 19th century at nearby Rupen creek. A flag mast was provided at the port to hoist a lamp which served the purpose of lighthouse. In the year 1866 a square masonry tower 18m high was constructed at the present site. An oil wick lamp inside a 6th order optic was installed on the tower. On 29th November 1877 then Governor of Bombay Sir Richard Temple came to Dwarka by sea route. He visited Dwarka lighthouse also and observed the light to be grossly inadequate. Subsequently a PV equipment with 4th order revolving optic supplied by M/s. Chance Bros., England replaced wick lamp in 1881.Minor modifications were also carried out in 1900.In February 1927 LH expert D.Alen Stevenson, visited the station and appreciated its maintenance. During 1960-62 a new 43m high square masonry Tower was constructed and electrical equipment supplied by M/s. Stone Chance,Birmingham was installed over it. A new storm warning signal mast was also erected at the station at the time.The new lighthouse was inaugurated by Mr Raj Bahadur then Minister for Transport, Govt of India on 15th July 1962.An RCC Baffle wall was afterwards constructed for the installation of vibrators and sound horns equipments supplied by M/s BBT, Paris to serve as fog signals. It was commissioned on 15th April 1964.The fog signal service was discontinued in 1988.A Racon of arconi origin was installed on the tower on 11th May 1978. The direct drive by a stepper motor and replacement of incandescent lamp by MH lamp was carried out on 5th April 1996. View Profile >>
False Point Lighthouse The False Point Lighthouse is situated on a large island created by the Mahanadi River delta.The Lighthouse station can be approached by cruising through the mighty river from Paradip. The origin of False Point Lighthouse begins in the early 19th Century. The British East India Company ships approaching Calcutta port used to mistake Mahanadi entrance for Hooghly, therefore the point near mouths of Mahanadi came to be known as False Point. It was therefore decided to provide a Lighthouse near to the mouths of Mahanadi and name it False Point Lighthouse. The plans were finalized in the early 1830s.The island on which False Point lies belonged to Maharaja of Burdwan who donated the land required for Lighthouse to the British East India Company. The building materials such as boulders, lime, R.S. Joist etc. were transported to the site by sea route and finally the foundation work commenced on 6th December 1836. The 38m high Lighthouse Tower construction was completed on 16th October 1837. It is a Mammoth circular structure tapering towards top.The top being a dome with opening leading into the lantern room.The outside walling at top has been carved out into a projected cornice. The conventional lighting equipment consisting of paraffin oil lamp, reflectors and optic inside the lantern house was installed and commissioned on 1st March 1838. The entire work was carried out in record time under the supervision of 2nd Lt. H Righy, Executive Engineer. A Chance Brother make first order optic with 55mm P.V. burner was commissioned on 1st February 1880 by the then Lt. Governor of Bengal, Sir Ashley Eden. The Lighthouse was transferred to the Calcutta port commission in 1881. An occulting light replaced the earlier light on 1st September 1884 which was commissioned by Mr. H.J. Reynolds, Chairman, Calcutta port commission. The light source and other PV equipments were replaced by then latest version for the first time after the lighthouse came under the Port Commission. It was inaugu
rated on 22nd March 1903 by Mr. C.E. Buckland, Chairman, Calcutta Port Commission. View Profile >>
Gopalpur Lighthouse The station is approachable by an all weather road from Brahmapur Railway Station about 10 km away on Howrah-Chennai route. Gopalpur Lighthouse came into existence in 1871 for assisting coastal shipping between Rangoon and Coromandal coast ports. The steamer service to Rangoon also touched Gopalpur. The first beacon was a wick lamp with 6th order optic hoisted from the top of steel mast of 8 m height, erected at a position approximately near the present R.B. Aerial mast. In 1892 4th order optic replaced the old optic The same mast was also used for hoisting the storm warning signals. A steel trestle frame was raised in 1925 by the side of mast and the DA gas light was installed on it. A masonry room was built near the trestle to store the gas cylinders. Due to the heavy erosion during the early 1943 the gas Cylinder Room and Trestle Tower got heavily damaged and the light was discontinued remained withdrawn due to world war. In 1948 a new gas light inside 500 mm Lantern was established on a hillock about a km North from the coast. The light was installed over an MS Trestle 8 m high.A masonry room was provided for storing DA gas cylinders. This system continued for about 20 years.The new Stone masonry Lighthouse with lighting equipment supplied by M/s B.B.T, Paris was commissioned on 15th December 1967.The Radio Beacon equipment supplied by M/s MACE, Visakhapatnam, was installed at the station which started transmission on 25th November 1992.The Radio beacon service from here will be discotinued. View Profile >>
Gopnath Point Lighthouse The Lighthouse bears its name after the Gopnath Mahadev temple situated nearby on sea and is about a km from the pucca road that links temple to Talaja town on Bhavnagar-Veraval highway.This territory was under Bhavnagar state who built a circular stone masonry tower at Gopnath point in 1878-79. A dioptric apparatus with mirrors and a wick burner, supplied by M/s Chance Bros, Birmingham was installed in the lantern house on this tower. The light was exhibited on 15th April 1879. The Lighthouse Expert D. Alan Stevenson visited the station in February 1927and observed that the lantern ventilation was poor and fog warning was being made by hammering an iron rail hung from the balcony railing. Improvement to lighthouse was carried out in 1932- the wick lamp was replaced by an equipment giving occulting flash and a storm warning signal was added.The PV equipment (M/s. Chance Bros., Birmingham) originally at Diu- head lighthouse was shifted to Gopnath in 1969 and was installed in place of the old equipment. A lighted buoy was laid to mark Saltanpar shoal in the near by vicinity-off Shetrunjya river entrance. This lighthouse tower remained in operation up to 1975. Another 30 m tower was constructed about 500 m east of the old tower.and the PV equipment supplied by M/s J.Stone India was installed on the new tower. The new Lighthouse was inaugurated by Mr H.M.Trivedi, then Union Minister for Shipping &Transport. on 10th March 1975. The PV light was converted into an electrical light on 30th November 1992 anddirect drive system was incorporated on 27th June 1996.The DGPS transmission equipments manufactured by M/s Leica Geo System, USA and supplied by M/s Elcom Marine,Mumbai were installed at the station and put on the air on 30th April, 2003. View Profile >>
Hazira Lighthouse Hazira Lighthouse is linked to Surat city, 35 km away by a metalled road. Surat was a busy port till 18th century.It had trade links with most of the ports of the world. In 17thcentury the British and Dutch obtained permission from Emperor Jehangir to build their kothis on the outskirts of Surat and do business. Soon afterwards French, Arabs, Turks, Armenians and Jews were also permitted to stay and do business at Surat. Incidentally, Kerridge was the first British to land in India at Surat in 1612 followed by Sir Tomas Roe in 1614 then came Dutch Van den Broeck in 1616 and French Admiral Beaulieu in 1620. Surat was the most prosperous town during 16/17th century-Portuguese plundered Surat in 1512 and1530-31 and Marathas in 1664 and 1670. A number of masts and log fires at selected points guided the vessels to enter Tapti up to early 19th century. A circular masonry Lighthouse Tower 20 m high was constructed close to Vaux’s tomb in 1835-36 at Hazira then known as Suwali point. An optical apparatus with petromax inside was put on the tower in April 1836. The equipment was completely destroyed due to fire accident in October 1836. It took an year to carry out repairs and re-exhibit the light in Sept.1837.The Lighthouse was improved in 1852 and again in 1893.In 1938 P.V. Light with revolving optic assembly supplied by M/s. Chance Bros., Birmingham, replaced the old equipment. A new 25m circular masonry Tower was constructed in 1965-66. The Electrical optical equipment with gensets supplied by B.B.T., Paris, was installed on it. The new light was exhibited on 1st June 1966. The refurbished MACE Racon was installed on the Lighthouse on 25thMarch1998 The incandescent lamp was replaced by 230V 400W Metal halide lamp on 30th Nov 1999. A new DGPS station will be located at Hazira. View Profile >>
Indira Point Light House Indira point Lighthouse is situated on the Southern most tip of the Indian Territory and is an important landmark on the international ship lane on Colombo-Singapore route. Down south is Sumatra (Indonesia) separated by 60 miles of sea.The enclave on which lighthouse stands, was previously known as Pygmalion point. It was renamed as Indira point in honour of the Late Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. A helipad has been provided here for the VIPs. There are a number of stones erected here in memory of VIPs. Indira point is part of Great Nicobar Island and is connected to Campbell bay port by a 45 km metalled road.Of the 19 islands in Nicobar group, Great Nicobar is the largest. It has a number of mountains and hills - highest among them is Mt Thulier (642 m) and three perennial rivers-Galathia, Alexendria and Dogmar flow from these mountains. The island receives 3125 mm of rain fall as such it has dense forest cover-the cane and bamboo is in abundance here. The Shompens (150) and Great Nicobaris (250) are the aboriginals of this island. The ex-servicemen View Profile >>
Jafrabad Lighthouse Jafrabad is about 30 km south of Rajula and is linked by a metalled road. The coastal highway to Bhavnagar passes through Rajula. Sultan Muzaffar Shah of Gujarat had constructed a fort and founded the town Muzafarabad here in the 16th century, which in course of time became Jafrabad. Prior to independence it was under the control of Sidi Nawab of Murud Janjira who had conquered the region after defeating the local sea pirates in 1762. Jafrabad has been an important harbour since more than two centuries. It is formed by a creek running North Westerly through flat swamp. The main export was that of salt and fish. The regular steamer service for Bombay touched Jafrabad also during fair season i.e. October to May. The service was discontinued during late 1950’s.Towards the end of 20th century the cement industry has been developed here and cement clinker became the main export commodity from Jafrabad.The first Beacon at Jafrabad was a wooden structure erected in 1865. A light used to be exhibited from this structure during fair season only. Janjira State built the present lighthouse tower during 1871-75.On this tower an imported wick lamp with reflectors inside a lantern was put in operation in January 1876. In 1895 a 4th order optic replaced the catadioptric system. The PV equipment with revolving optic and a lantern house supplied by M/s Chance Bros, Birmingham replaced the old equipment in 1914. View Profile >>
Jakhau Lighthouse According to mythology the `Yakshas’ and the `Yadava’ landed at Jakhau during the pre-historic period. The name of the port Jakhau is said to have been adopted from the term `Jakh’ derived from `Yaksha’.Jakhau remained an important port till a new port at Mandvi was opened in the 16th century. The port traffic of Jakhau was then lost to Mandvi.During 1950’s large-scale salt pans were constructed at Jakhau and the port of Jakhau was revived and developed to handle the export of raw salt to Japan and Korea. Therefore providing a powerful light at Jakhau became essential. Accordingly the lighthouse project was planned and completed in 1965. Jakhau is the first major land mark in the Indian waters. The Lighthouse station is connected by an all weather road to Naliya, the taluka Headquarters and the railhead. Bhuj is about 70 km from Naliya. There is no evidence to suggest existence of any lighted beacon in earlier days. The first lighthouse was the DA gas light in 500 mm Lantern and cut and polished drum ptic with AGA flasher was first temporarily provided on MS Trestle tower in 1957. After the construction of RCC tower, a powerful electric light was commissioned on1st April 1965. The equipment was supplied by M/s Stone Chance & Co., Birmingham.The emergency source, capillary tube (Alladin Lamp) was replaced by LPG Burner in 1993 which too was replaced by 12V 100W Halogen lamp in 1996.A Refurbished Racon (MACE Origin) was installed on the same tower on 27th September 1999. Jakhau will be an important station of planned VTS for Gulf of Kachchh with Automatic Direction Finder system. View Profile >>
Jodiya Bandar Lighthouse Jodiya is a tidal port about 60 Km from Jamnagar by road .It was a Metre Gauge Rail terminal till 1978. Prior to independence Jodiya was part of erstwhile princely State of Nawanagar who had developed this port on Jodiya creek and the rail link was also extended up to the port (Bandar). It was a busy port having trade links with Arab countries. The traffic at this port went down subsequently reducing it to a fishing port. The activities at Jodiya port picked up during 1970s.The Lighthouse is about 4 km away from Jodiya Town. It is a solid circular tower, 8 metre high built on the northern end of the quay wall in the year 1903. The light was placed on a high-level cast Iron pedestal. It was a Kerosene wick lamp inside a 6th order optic and was commissioned into service on 15th March 1903. The equipment was supplied by M/s. Chance Bros., Birmingham. The same equipment remained in service for ninety years when the improvement work of the Lighthouse was taken up.A solar operated flashing light (JLWL) replaced the wick lamp and the new equipment was installed over the modified tower on 12th February 1993. The LH was severely damaged due to Earth quake on 26th January 2001 and the operation of light was affected. A new GI trestle was erected and the light was shifted on to this tower on 30th June 2002. View Profile >>
Kabra Island Lighthouse Kabra islet is 94 m hillock situated North of Campbell bay and is part of great Nicobar group of Islands. It has thick growth of commercial vegetation. The inhabitants from nearby Kondul and Little Nicobar islands visit the islet. They have planted the Coconut and Arracknut trees on this islet. The light provides much needed assistance to local fishing boats as well as the vessels sailing on Campbell Bay - Port Blair route.The island hill is perpendicularly rising from sea on Western side. Only a small stretch of beach on eastern side serves as landing point for the boats. The island has to be visited by Lighthouse tender MV Pradeep.The establishment of this Lighthouse was done in a record time. The 12 m GI trestle tower, the 300 mm optical equipment, electronic flasher, SPV modules and all other items were procured by LH Workshop and Electronic Laboratory, Jamnagar and shipped on board LH tender MV Sagardeep from Okha port (Jamnagar) to Kabra. The trestle tower work was commenced in January 1998 and the erection was completed by February end followed by the installation of equipment. The light was exhibited on 25th March 1998. View Profile >>
Kachhigadh Lighthouse Kachhigadh Lighthouse is about 3 Km from Dwarka – Okha highway. The buses ply between Dwarka and Shivrajpur village near Kachhigadh.Kachhigadh is a fort situated at the head of a shallow bay making it a good landing point on the sandy beach. The fort of the size of 45m x 45m x 15m height was built in 1720-21 by the ruler of Kachchh Maharao Deshalji. An eleven metre high black masonry unlit beacon known as Mojap beacon was also built at a location 2.5 km north of the fort.The fort provided shelter and safety to the Kachchhi vessels. The facility for emergency repairs of boats,provision of ration and water was also made available. Round the clock vigil was maintained from the fort to prevent sea piracy. The near by Shivrajpur village was established during early 19th century by Baroda state.A battery operated flashing light started functioning rom the top of a cabin since 20th March 1977. It was the first light in this region. This followed commissioning of a `Racon’ (Marconi make) on 15th October 1978. The PRB-21 lighting equipment, supplied by M/s Asia Navigation Aids, New Delhi, installed on the newly constructed 30m RCC tower and was commissioned into service on 30th March 1983. The flashing light was withdrawn and `Racon’ was shifted on to the new Tower.In order to save on energy the imported sealed beam lamps were replaced in September 1997 by auto head lamps with 100W halogen lamps.The light house was damaged during earth quake on 26th January 2001 but was restored immediately. View Profile >>
KalingaPatnam Kalingapatnam is known in the history as the Capital of Gang Dynasty who ruled the region, spread over the entire coastal belt from Godavari to Ganges (Hooghly) during 8th to 15th century. Kalingapatnam was a flourishing port and trade centre during the ancient times-Vessels from here sailed to Srilanka, Java, Sumatra and Singapore. In the later part of the 19th century the British introduced a regular steamer service between Rangoon and Kalingapatnam. First Lighthouse Tower was constructed by British in 1876 at a place known as Bandaruvanipeta about 3 km South-West of the present location. The ruins of this solid square structure 20 m high, tapering towards top can still be seen. A wooden staircase was provided from outside to reach the top. A wick lamp inside 5th order optic was placed on it. In 1895 the petroleum vapour burner inside 4th order optic giving out occulting flash replaced the wick lamp. The DA gas flasher inside 300 mm optic replaced the PV equipment in 1923. In course of time the area around the lighthouse got filled up with deposits of sand. The buildings were buried under the sand hill. A sun valve was added to regulate the light. This system remained in service till 1980, when the equipment was shifted to a location Delhi was installed and commissioned on 20th June 1982. In January 96 sealed beam ‘D’ Type lamps were replaced by Auto Head lamps fitted with 24 V 100W halogen lamps. View Profile >>
Kanai Creek Lighthouse The Lighthouse is the part of Onjal Machhiwad village about 20 Km from Navsari Railway Station on Mumbai-Surat section. Regular buses ply from Navsari to Onjal Machhiwad.There is no other activity except fishing at Onjal Machhiwad port. The fishermen used to sail out taking the assistance of a white dome on the coast serving as a day mark Beacon during olden days. Afterwards a light used to be exhibited from a temporary wooden trestle.With the passage of time the demand for providing a major Lighthouse came due to the increased vessel traffic in the gulf of Khambat that needed a powerful light at this location. Accordingly a 30 m high RCC Tower was constructed at this site. in the northern region of Ambika river entrance. The PRB- 42 equipment supplied by ANA, New Delhi was installed and commissioned into service on 13th March 1983. Initially a wind generator was provided on experimental basis to charge the batteries, it got damaged and had to be removed in 1993 .The charging was then switched over to mains supply. The solar panels and a genset were installed at the station on 30th March 1999 as alternate sources of energy. A 2.4 m diameter Galvanised Iron lantern house fabricated at Mumbai, was installed at the station in May 2002. The C type sealed beam lamps were replaced by `D’ type lamps on 30th April,2003. View Profile >>
Katchal Island East Bay Lighthouse Passenger vessel service between Port Blair and Campbell bay regularly visit Katchal (East). These vessels go alongside the wharf at East Bay port. Katchal (East) lighthouse is about 6 km North by road from the port 5 km upto Kapanga Village and then by pathway for about 1 km. There is asphalt road from port to Kapanga. Katchal is an important island of Nancowry group. The island has main land settlers mostly from southern states brought here for the cultivation of Spices and Rubber. Some portion of the forest has been cleared for the cultivation. Besides Spices, Coconut, Arracknut, Jack fruit also have been cultivated on this island..The 10m high masonry tower was constructed in 1985. The 500 mm optical equipment and the DA gas flasher with sun valve procured from LH Workshop, Madras were installed on the and commissioned into service on 18th January 1986. The DA gas equipment was replaced by electronic flasher and halogen lamp operating on Solar charged batteries and commissioned into service on 25th January 1996. View Profile >>
Katchal Island West Bay Lighthouse From Katchal East Bay Port, there is an asphalt road connecting Nehru Gram about 30 km away west ward. The Lighthouse is less than a km. away from Nehru gram and then there is a pathway upto the lighthouse. There is bus service provided between Katchal (East) Port and Katchal (West) Nehru gram and other villages.The Lighthouse is close on shores of Katchal West Bay and serves mainly the local fishing boats. It was constructed during 1985. The 500 mm optical equipment with DA gas flasher, sun valve etc procured from LH Workshop was installed on the Lighthouse tower and commissioned into service on 15th December 1985. The DA gas equipment was replaced by Electronic flasher, halogen lamp and Batteries operating on solar energy, on 19th December 1995. View Profile >>
Kilakkarai Lighthouse Kilakkarai Lighthouse is about 17 Km from nearest Railway station Ramanadpuram and is connected by an all weather road.There wasn’t any light existing at this site prior to the present Lighthouse. The coast between Thonithura and Valinokkam point has chain of islets and shoals. The main activity in the region is fishing. A flag mast was the only assistance to the fishermen-mostly. With the increase in activities the region needed to be marked with a powerful light for the caution against the dangers. As such this Lighthouse was planned during 1974-75. The construction of the tower was completed towards the mid 1979 and the PRB – 42 equipment supplied by M/s. Asia Navigation Aids Ltd., New Delhi, was installed on the tower. The Lighthouse was commissioned into service on 2nd October 1979. The `C’ type sealed beam lamps were replaced by `D’ type 30V 200W sealed beam lamps on 30th April 2003. View Profile >>
Kodikkarai Lighthouse There wasn’t any Lighthouse provided at the site prior to the present Lighthouse. The point Calimere light about 5 Km East of Kodikkarai, was the only navigational aid for assisting the mariners. A new Lighthouse was planned during 1994-95 and soon the construction began. The tower was completed in 1997.The ERB equipment supplied by M/s.ANA Navaids Ltd., New Delhi, was installed inside a 2.0m dia Lantern house.This lantern was originally at old Pulicat Lighthouse and was refurbished at Madras Lighthouse workshop before having been installed at Kodikkarai.The Lighthouse was formally commissioned on the 9th March 1998.There was regular ferry service between Kodikkarai and Kankesanthurai port of Srilanka This was discontinued during 1960’s. View Profile >>
Krishnapatnam Lighthouse Krishnapatnam lighthouse station is about 20 km from Nellore railway station. There is an all weather road upto the port. The light house is situated close to Krishnapattanam port-on the northern banks of River Kandeleru(also known as Upputeru).The anchorage is about 2 km in to sea and the cargo is loaded in to the ships by lighterage. It was a busy port till 1960s.The Kandeler river has appreciable depth of the water and is connected to Buckingham canal which was the main link for the transportation of cargo to Madras in the by gone period. The lighthouse trestle was constructed during 1940’s. A wick lamp was xhibited for some period ; it was replaced by battery operated lamp in the course of time. It was a fixed light and was mainly meant for ships to anchor in front of the mouths of the river. This light was discontinued following heavy erosion and damage to the structure in 1970s.The present Lighthouse tower was constructed during 1976-78 and the equipment supplied by M/s J. Stone India, Calcutta, was installed on this tower. The lighthouse was commissioned into service on11th May 1978.The Radio Beacon equipment, supplied by M/s MACE, Visakhapatnam, transmitting at 289 kHz was installed and put on the Air on 30th June 1991. The DGPS equipment manufactured by M/s Leica Geo Systems,U.S.A. andsupplied by M/s. Elcom Marine,Mumbai was integrated on 30thApril2003 converting Radio Beacon to DGPS station. The old Transmitters were replaced by`Leica’ transmitters on 31st July2003 View Profile >>
Luhara Point Lighthouse There is an all weather road up to Luhara village which is about 60 km west from Bharuch Railway Station. The Lighthouse is about 1.5 Km away from Luhara village, which portion has to be covered by walking across agricultural fields. Bharuch- Bhrigukachha in ancient times-situated on the banks of Narmada came under Delhi Sultanet in 1236 and remained under them till 1776 when British annexed it Bharuch was a flourishing port till 18th century. The vessels up to 200 tons capacity could easily cruise into the river basin. Due to heavy silting of Narmada, the port died down. However toward the close of 20th century the India Petro Chemicals Ltd got the channel dredged and built a jetty for their vessels, near Luhara point lighthouse. A fixed light at Luhara Point used to serve as anchorage light as well as a landmark for entrance into Narmada.Another light was provided on the bastion of Bharuch fort which served as port light. A steel frame structure was erected here at Luhara point in 1887 for placing a wick lamp over it. In 1903 a6th order optic was introduced.It was replaced by DA gas equipment in 1965. In 1977 the cast iron Tower was erected to support a lantern house in which the DA gas Dal’en mixer equipment was installed.The electromechanical flasher working on Batteries charged by solar energy, was installed in place of DA gas equipment in 1995.The electromechanical flasher was replaced by electronic flasher (JLWL) in 1999.The station got the mains supply in 2000. The Gearless Revolving Beacon equipment :GRB-MK-48-II supplied by M/s Ana Nav Aids Ltd, New Delhi, was installed at the station which became operational on 31st March 2003. View Profile >>
MachiliPatnam Lighthouse Machilipatnam Lighthouse is situated in between the mouths of Godavari and Krishna rivers. It is approachable by Road from Vijaywada and is also a rail terminus. Machilipatnam is an important port in the region since ancient period. Marcopolo in his travelogue written in 1293, has mentioned about the prosperity of the region and flourishing port of Mottupalli on the mouths of river Krishna during Rudramba’s rule.Machilipatnam and the surrounding region were under Kaktiyas of Warangal in 13th century. Tughlak’s army defeated Kaktiyas. Vijayanagar rulers occupied the region and retained their control for two centuries followed by Muslim rule and then the region became part of Madras presidency in the early 19th century under the British which after independence formed part of Andhra Pradesh. There did not exist any light at the present site. A lighted beacon was first established in 1858 on the coast north of the entrance to Machilipatnam creek. It was a fixed light. In 1903 an occulting light inside a 4th order optic replaced the fixed light. The light was extremely useful to the ships plying between Rangoon and Machilipatnam. The beacon structure was replaced by a 13m high circular masonry tower in 1930. In 1939 the DA gas equipment flashing (3) every 20 Seconds replaced the earlier equipment.The construction of the present Lighthouse tower was taken up in 1982 and completed in 1984. The PRB-21 type lighting equipment supplied by M/s Asia Navigation Aids, New Delhi, was installed on the tower. The light was commissioned on 15th November 1984. The ‘D’ type lamps have been replaced by indigenous head lights with Halogen Lamps in February 1996 View Profile >>
Madras Lighthouse The city of Madras (Chennai) was founded by the factor Francis Day of British East India Company on a three square mile strip of land, on 22nd July 1639. Immediately afterwards his boss Andrew Cogan laid foundation of Fort St George and established seat of the Company’s Agency in the Fort on 24th September 1641. Madras became the capital of Madras Presidency controlling whole of south India except a few princely states.Madras enjoyed the status of Capital ever since-after the independence and creation of linguistic state on 1st Nov 1956 renamed as Tamilnadu on 14-1-1969. Madras was renamed as Chennai in 1996.There must be some arrangement of exhibiting light to assist company’s vessels arriving at Madras and to enter the port during the 17 & 18th centuries but no such record is available. The first conventional lighthouse was the oil wick lamp placed on the roof of the officer’s Mess cum Exchange building in 1796. The building is now known as Fort Museum. The construction of a regular Lighthouse Tower in the compound of present High Court was taken up in 1838 and completed in 1840 on which the wick lamp was shifted as the supply of the new equipment by M/s Chance Bros, Birmingham was delayed. The new flashing light consisting of Argand lamps and reflectors was installed which started functioning from 1st January 1844. Fifty years later the Lighthouse equipment with lantern was shifted on to the dome of new High Court building and started functioning from there with effect from 1st June 1894. An improvement of equipment was introduced in 1927.The present modern Lighthouse was built in 1976 and Electrical Lighthouse equipment manufactured by BBT, Paris was installed on it which started functioning with effect from 10th January 1977. View Profile >>
Mahabalipuram Lighthouse Mahabalipuram is connected to Chennai (Madras) by East Coast Highway. It is about 35 km from Chennai. Mahabalipuram also known as Mamallapuram was an important port built by Pallavas during the Seventh Century for the maritime trade with the countries of South East Asia and Mediterranean. The rock cut temples, pavilions and monuments all sculpted during the same period are the principal attractions here drawing visitors from around the world.In the ancient times the log fire on one of the high rocks used to serve as beacon for the vessels approaching the Mahabalipuram port during the night. The British established the first conventional lighthouse by placing a wick lamp inside 4th order optic and lantern on the roof of Olakkaneesway Temple on 15th May 1887. This temple has been built on top of Mahishasuramardini cave. Lighthouse was then known as Seven Pagoda Lighthouse because the tures-mandapa, Rathas, Cave appeared like Pagodas when observed from the sea. A dressed stone masonry circular tower 26m in height was built on a nearby rock in 1900. Its exterior surfaces were left natural and unpainted so as to blend with surroundings. The PV equipment and 2nd order three panel optic assembly supplied by M/s Chance Bros, Birmingham was installed over this tower. The light was commissioned into service on 31st March 1901. In 1937 and 1940 the equipment underwent changes and modifications to give single flash every ten seconds. The PV source was replaced by incandescent electric lamp in 1994. View Profile >>
Manappad Point Lighthouse Manappad point is a high sandy head land jutting into the sea on the south side of the Manappad Bay-along its coast line is situated Manappad fishing village. On the summit of promontory and close to the lighthouse is situated the Holy Cross Church built in 1581. The great apostle St. Francis Xavier visited Manappad in 1542 and again in 1543. Manappad is known as Pearl Fishing harbour. It is about 70 km from Kanniyakumari and 18 Km from Tiruchendur and is connected by an all weather road. The Lighthouse tower was built in1887-88 under Madras Presidency Control. The 3rd order optical equipment supplied by M/s. Chance Bros., Birmingham was installed and the lighthouse was commissioned in to service on 30th March 1888. The murette of the lantern room is of brick masonry raised from inner lining of the tower masonry wall. The oil wick lamp was replaced by a PV Burner of 55 mm size in the year 1902 after some modifications in the lighthouse carried out in 1901. Mr D. Alan Stevenson LH Expert had visited the lighthouse in 1926 and found it be functioning satisfactory. After more than 90 years of its existence the Electric main supply could be extended to the station. The PV light source was replaced by 230V 400 W Metal halide lamp and was commissioned on 31st August 1994. View Profile >>
Mandvi Breakwater Head Lighthouse The Lighthouse has been provided on the head of Mandvi Breakwater and is approachable through the port premises. Mandvi Port is a very old port built more than four centuries ago. But the breakwater was built in 1875 after the introduction of direct steamer service between Mandvi and Bombay. The Breakwater protected the port from Westerly winds. It was severely damaged during one of the cyclones of 1887-88. It was reconstructed and a red light was placed on a column at the head of the Breakwater in 1890. It was an oil lamp and was being exhibited only whenever any steamer visited the port.The breakwater was improved and was extended up to 560m length under the supervision of the British Engineer Albert Edward and an improved flashing light with Red filter inside a 6th order optic was placed over a masonry column of 6m height provided at the head of the Breakwater. It was damaged again during 1950’s. The Breakwater and the lighthouse column were rebuilt and a DA gas flashing light was commissioned into service in 1957. A sun valve was introduced in 1973 for automatic operation of the light.Under the modernization scheme, the DA gas equipment was replaced by the solar power operated light and was commissioned on 12th May 1993.The Lighthouse suffered damages due to Earth quake on the 26th January 2001. It was repaired and the light became operational on 30th June 2001. View Profile >>
Mangrol Lighthouse Mangrol is about is 85 km east of Porbandar on the coastal highway.The region has a very good plantation of coconut palms.Prior to independence Mangrol was a Shaikhdom - Shaikh Bin Taj was the first in 1398 appointed as Deputy to Viceroy of Emperor at Mangrol. His heirs lost authority to Foujdar of Junagadh in 1592.It was gained in 1749 by Shaikh Mian who ousted Maratha Thana and other rivals.His descendants Ruled Mangrol till 1947 when they joined the Indian Union. Mangrol port was developed by providing a break water and other infrastructures. As many as 164 crafts called at the port every year during the early 20th century. This brought tremendous prosperity to the region. The steamers bound for Porbandar touched this port also. The first light at Mangrol port was exhibited in 1877 from a masonry column in the port remises. This light was shifted in 1880 onto the top of the newly constructed port Building. It was the oil lamp in an ordinary lantern. A dioptric equipment was provided in 1939, but the light continued to be a fixed light. The revolving optic was introduced at the Lighthouse in 1954. The electricity for the system was generated by agenerating set installed in the same building. The system functioned satisfactorily for more than two decades. During 1977-78 a new Lighthouse at a site about half a km East of the port was planned. It was completed in 1985. The PRB-21 equipment was installed on the new RCC tower and was commissioned into service on 25th March 1986. View Profile >>
Mundra New Port Lighthouse The Lighthouse is easily approachable by road from Mundra Town. A port was established at Mundra mainly for the export of salt and dates. It was an important port of call for the vessels coming from Muscat, Aden and Zanzibar.The port used to remain inoperative from May to September every year. As such this new port was developed at sheltered location inside the Mundra Creek for round the year operations. The new port at the present location was built during 1950-51. View Profile >>
Mungra Reef Lighthouse Mungra reef is a low tide islet about 12 Km North West of Jodiya Port at the entrance of Hansthal Creek. There was on light provided on the Reef earlier to the present light. An unlighted masonry beacon was constructed on the fairway of the islet leading to Navlakhi and Jodiya Ports.The same beacon has been improved and transformed into the lighted beacon during 1996-97. The lighting equipment with electronic flasher manufactured at LH Workshop & Electronic Laboratory, Jamnagar, was installed and commissioned into service on 12th April 1997. The structure was damaged during the devastating cyclone which hit the region on 9th June 1998. The light was restored subsequently after extensive repairs and a new equipment was installed in January 1999. View Profile >>
Nagapattinam Lighthouse Nagapattinam in Thanjavur district is an important port of Tamilnadu. It is situated on the mouths of Kaduveiyaru river. The port has the glorious history. It is in existence since the 8th century, period of great Cholas. During those days a staff was provided on which flag used to be hoisted to enable vessels enter the port. There was a direct ship service from Nagapattinam to Penang (Malaysia) and Singapore. The famous MV Chidambaram was the vessel plying regularly till it was destroyed in a fire off Nagapattinam in 1970. First conventional 20 m high Lighthouse tower was built inside the port premises by the British in 1846. A wick lamp inside the 6th order optic was placed on this tower. The system worked till 1903 when a new equipment with 4th order optic and characteristic of occulting flashes was introduced. A storm warning signal hoisting mast was also erected in 1903. In 1923 complete renovation of lighthouse was carried out and the new PV equipment with 85 mm burner and first order optic assembly in two panels, revolving on mercury float was installed. The equipment was supplied by M/s. Chance Bros., Birmingham. This equipment worked up to 1985.The importance of Nagapattinam demanded improvement at continuous pace. In 1985 the PV equipment was replaced by PRB-21 equipment with sealed beam lamps supplied by M/s. ANA, New Delhi on 20th March 1985. The Radio beacon equipment (400 W) supplied by MACE, Visakhapatnam, transmitting on 295 kHz was installed at the station in 1992 and the ‘Tide land’ ‘Racon’ was installed on 3rd September 1996.In the year 1997 the sealed beam lamps have since been replaced by Auto head lamps. The DGPS equipment manufactured by M/s Leica Geo Systems, U.S.A. and supplied by M/s. Elcome Marine, Mumbai was integrated on 30th April 2003,converting Radio Beacon to DGPS station. View Profile >>
Nagayalanka Lighthouse The Lighthouse station is approached from Vijayawada (approx.100km) by road up to Nagayalanka village and then 15 km by motor launch through Krishna river. The station is situated near the mouths of Krishna river. There is a masonry retaining wall, which serves as jetty. A cement concrete path way for 500 m from the Lighthouse station to the jetty has been provided. Krishna river is navigable upto Vijayawada and is in use by local crafts. A 43 m masonry circular tower existed prior to the present tower. The tower was built during 1898-1901 by using heavy lime concrete blocks. A PV light inside a 3rd order optic supplied by M/s. Chance Bros., Birmingham was installed over the tower. The Lighthouse was then known as Kistna (Havelock Point) Lighthouse and used to be picked up from sea between False point Divi and point Divi. This light functioned up to 1940. Its importance reduced due to discontinuation of Rangoon ship service. The light was decommissioned due to war and also due to malarial attack. In 1955 the same light was revived.The construction of a new tower was taken up during 1968 – 71 and PV light with 85mm burner, Revolving 2nd order optic assembly etc all supplied by M/s BBT, Paris was installed on the tower and the light was commissioned on 10th May 1972. The old Lighthouse tower was dismantled and the blocks were used in the retaining wall to prevent station approach pathway from erosion. The station withstood devastating cyclone in 1977 and light was re-exhibited after two nights only.In 1999 source was changed over to 3 x 70W Metal Halide lamps. The solar energy is utilized for charging battery bank which in turn drives the inverter supplying AC to the Light source. The system was commissioned on 30th April 1999 View Profile >>
Navadra Lighthouse Navadra Lighthouse is about 7 Km South of Dwarka-Porbandar coastal highway. There is a metalled road up to Navadra village and then a dusty cart track exists up to the Lighthouse. The entire coast is rocky and has been converted into wind power generating farm. There are a number of wind generators around the Lighthouse. The wind generators supply electricity to Gujarat Electricity Board grid.There is a small fishing terminal about 3 km from the village. No light existed on the long coast line between Dwarka and Porbandar prior to the present Lighthouse. The cliff, on which Lighthouse has been constructed, has an elevation of about 25m.The construction of Lighthouse tower was taken up and completed during 1984-86. The lighting equipment, PRB-21,supplied by M/s Asia Navigation Aids, New Delhi, was installed on the tower and commissioned into service on 4th July 1986. The first experiment of replacing imported sealed beam lamps by auto headlamps with 100W halogen lamps was conducted at this Lighthouse during 1994-95. After its successful field trials, the modified system became operational since 1st January 1995. The light house was damaged during the cyclone of June 1998.The service was however immediately restored. View Profile >>
Navibandar Lighthouse Navibandar is about 35 Km East of Porbandar on Porbandar- Veraval coastal highway. Bhadar an important river of Saurashtra flows into the sea about half a km West of Navibandar Lighthouse. The coastline consists of sand hills and vegetation around the inhabitations. Navibandar is still a fishing port. Navibandar was part of Porbandar princely state and was an important transit centre cum check post prior to independence. It was a walled village with regular court and a jail.The Lighthouse was built here in 1896 on a bastion of the fort wall on seaside. The light source was an oil lamp inside a 6th order optic. During one of the cyclones in 1908-09 the lighthouse was severely damaged and could be revived only in 1910. In 1966 DA gas flashing light was installed in 300 mm optical equipment of AGA make. Under the program of modernization of lights and adoption of solar energy in the operation of Lighthouses, Navibandar was one of the earliest lights changed over to electronic flasher and solar panels charging the batteries. The system was commissioned into service on 21st February 1993.The optical equipment was replaced by 500 mm size equipment and light source replaced by cluster of 3 halogen lamps each 24V 70 W on 10th October 1999. View Profile >>
Navinal Point Lighthouse Navinal Point is made up of a few ridges of sand and a large swamp partly covered with the bushes. The mangrove forms the background of Navinal Point. North East ward from Navinal Point, is Bacha Creek on which Mundra new port exists. Vast land on the South-West of the Navinal point Lighthouse was Re-claimed during 1996-97 for Adani port.Navinal point Lighthouse is approachable by a Departmental machine boat through the creek from Mundra port through the Creek. There is a pucca road connecting Mundra Port to Mundra Town. A land route to Navinal point Lighthouse through Adani port Area is also available since 1996. A Lighted beacon existed at the Navinal point in 1892. It was a fixed light being hoisted from a column regularly.It was mainly to assist boats ferrying between ports of Mundra, Tuna, Rozi and Okha. An improved flashing light was installed in the same lantern. in 1949. A new Lighthouse tower and a Baffle wall for fog signal were constructed and completed in 1965. The Lighthouse and fog signal equipments supplied by M/s B.B.T, Paris, were installed at the station. The lighthouse was commissioned into service on 1st June 1965. In 1988 the fog signal service was withdrawn and equipments removed. The emergency light source working on DA gas was replaced by 12V 60W Halogen lamp on 5th June 1993. The direct drive system was integrated with the optic assembly on 28th June 1997.The jacketing of tower was taken up and completed in 1994.A 65m Radar tower for ‘X’ Band Radar for proposed VTS for the Gulf of Kachchh is planned at Navinal. View Profile >>
Navlakhi Lighthouse Hansthal Creek is the largest of the Creeks originating from the little Rann of Kachchh and flowing into the Gulf of Kachchh. There are a number of mud and sand banks and islets in this region between Kachchh and Saurashtra(in the gulf of Kachchh). One such island formed between Sui Creek and Versamedi Creek is known as Navlakhi bet (Island) which is connected by a high level embankment for rail and road link to the town of Morbi (40 Km away).The rulers of Morbi had developed lighterage port at Navlakhi during 1909-10 at the cost of Rs 9 lakhs and so the port derived its name ‘Navlakhi’. It had the direct Steamer communication with Bombay, Rangoon and ports of Europe.It was then a gateway to states of Morbi and Rajkot. The metre gauge rail connection was extended in 1939 up to Navlakhi which was removed in 1998. There is all weather road up to the port. In 1910 a wooden post was erected near to the quay wall for hoisting an oil lamp whenever steamer called at the anchorage.Subsequently a fixed electric light was installed over a 30m MS Trestle tower in 1932. The top portion of the Tower became unsafe due to heavy rusting as such its height was reduced to 24m in 1966.A new 24m GI trestle tower was erected in 1985 close to the old one and a 300 mm lantern (AGA) with drum optic and 230V 500W lamp was installed over it. The light was converted into flashing light on 19th September 1993. In the 1998 cyclone the light was damaged and mains supply got snapped as such it was remodelled to suit solar charging system in September 1998.A refurbished Racon (MACE origin) was installed on the same tower and put in to operation on 1st June 1999. In the earth quake of 26th January 2001 the equipment got damaged as such the light remained in operative for some time.The light was restored on 14th February 2001. View Profile >>
Okha Lighthouse Okha is well connected by Rail and Road links. There is a daily rail service to Mumbai. It is interesting to note that Okha has the Railway station, Bus station, Passenger Boat Terminal and the port, all situated within one km radius. The famous pilgrim centre Beyt Dwarka is situated on the island opposite Okha port. This region is known as Okhamandal and prior to Independence it was part of Baroda State of Gaikwad. They had developed the port at Okha during 1920s. It was inaugurated by Maharaja Sayaji Rao on 14th February 1926. Baroda state maintained a Sea police force to patrol the sea around. The MG rail link was extended to Okha in 1925 which was converted to BG in 1978. Okha is the gateway to the Gulf of Kachchh. There are rocky shoals and reefs close to the coastline and off Okha-Lushington shoal, Gurur shoal, Bobby shoal, Samiyani shoal, and the reefs of Chinri (Chandri), Paga and Bural. Okha was the base for the site investigations and hydraulic survey of Lushington shoal area carried out in November-December 1952 by Prof. B.Hellstrom and Dr L.Rundgren of the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm and then by Engineers India Ltd team for providing a lighthouse at Lushington shoal. The harbour of Okha is a natural harbour well protected by Samiyani and Beyt islands. The harbour is open throughout the year and vessels of moderate size can be berthed alongside the jetty. There was a regular passenger steamer service till 1950’s between Okha and Bombay touching some of the other ports on Saurashtra coast. View Profile >>
Pandiyan Tivu Lighthouse Pandiyan Tivu Lighthouse is the main Lighthouse for the Port of Tutikkodi (Tuticorin) on the Western side of the Gulf of Mannar. There are number of islets/reefs in the region. Tivu is the Tamil version of Sanskrit ‘Dweep’(Island). Pandiyan Tivu an island earlier, was known as Hare Island. It is connected to the main land by an all weather road after reclamation. The Lighthouse is situated on the northern end of Pandiyan Tivu that is about 4.5 km from the town of Tutikkodi.The port of Tuticorin (Tutikkodi) has been an important commercial centre since the late 18th century. The steamers from this port sailed up to Calcutta, Madras, Colombo, Bombay, Bhavnagar and Karachi. A ventional wicklamp-light burning on vegetable oil, in a 6th order optic was being exhibited from a flag post since the year 1845. Subsequently a masonry column replaced the mast. The system continued till 1905 when the column was improved and its height was increased to 28 feet. A wick lamp burning the mineral oil inside 4th order drum optic was placed on the column. As the traffic at the port increased, the demand to improve the lighthouse came. In 1930-35 a tower of 30 m height was constructed and a flashing PV lighting equipment supplied by M/s. Chance Bros., Birmingham was installed on it. Subsequently when the electricity mains supply was extended to the Lighthouse towards 1970’s it was decided to provide an electrically operated Lighthouse. The present Reinforced concrete Tower 45m high was completed in December 1979 over which the equipment supplied by M/s. J. Stone & Co. (India) was installed and commissioned on 28th April 1980. A Racon emitting code ‘O’ has been provided separately in the port area. The DGPS equipment to be installed at the station shortly. View Profile >>
Pentakota Lighthouse Pentakota Lighthouse is about 13 km from Tuni Railway Station on Visakhapatnam-Rajahmundry section and about 80km by road from Dolphins Nose Lighthouse, Visakhapatnam. There was no lighthouse provided at the site earlier than the present one. A brick masonry pillar was however constructed near to the present Lighthouse site during the early part of the 20th century which served as a day mark beacon. The present Lighthouse was constructed during 1955-57 and a D.A. Gas equipment supplied by M/s B.B.T.,Paris was installed on the tower and the light was commissioned on this tower on 1st June 1957. The D.A. Gas light was discontinued and Electric lamp was installed in place of D.A. Gas mantle (ASR-3) on 17th January 1991. Due to the frequent mains failures a 12V 100W Halogen lamp was installed inside the drum optic fitted over the main optic assembly on 21st December 1997 which works as an emergency Source. The system operates on electronic timer and Lead Acid Battery charged by SPV module. View Profile >>
Perigee Light Vessel Pirigee light vessel marks the danger of shoal known as ‘Perigee Rock’ between Piram Island and Ghoga Bandar.It is an unattended vessel fitted with light on steel frame-work and is approachable by machine boat(Lighthouse Deptt’s ML Piram) from Ghoga Bandar.In 1929, Bhavnagar state Port Deptt. first laid an unlit buoy in the position which was replaced in 1932 by a lighted buoy with Red light operating on DA gas and giving flash every 5 seconds. A conventional vessel fitted with a light 22 feet above water level was laid in position in December 1936 under the supervision of Port Officer J. Johnston and Development Engineer B.M.Mehta. The light worked on DA gas. The light vessel functioned satisfactorily for about 8 years till it sank in May 1944.As such had to be replaced by a lighted buoy again. The buoy was painted black. A new light vessel was indigenously built by suitably modifying a barge and fitting on it the retrieved lighting equipment after repairs in Port workshop. It was laid in the position at Perigee rock in 1947.This light vessel functioned for more than two decades during which it was hit number of times by passing barges and got damaged.Order for a new light vessel in the mean time was placed with M/s. B.B.T., Paris, which arrived in India in 1972.This vessel was painted and had revolving optical equipment operated by gas motors inside a 2m dia lantern. The new vessel was moored at the same position of Perigee rock on 23rd April 1973. The Revolving optic had to be removed and replaced by a drum optic with DA gas flashing equipment in 1975.The DA gas equipment was replaced by electronic flasher (JLWL) and halogen lamp operating on batteries charged by Solar Panels on 10th May 1994. View Profile >>
Pirotan Lighthouse There are 133 coral reefs and islets in the region of eastern side of the gulf of Kachchh stretching from Salaya to Jodiya which formed the part of erstwhile state of Nawanagar prior to independence. Most of the islets are barren. Pirotan is one of them. It is an important land mark for the mariners approaching Bedi Port. Pirotan island is 10 km North West of Rozi island and is approachable by boat or a motor launch from Bedi Port after about two hours sailing. Up to the early part of 19th century Salaya was the main port of Nawanagar( Jamnagar ) state. As the marine activities in the region increased, the Rulers of Nawanagar decided towards the end of 19th century to develop a lighter-age port at Bedi (known then as Nagna Bandar) .A sea police contingent was organised for the safety of vessels plying in the region. It was based at Rozi island. With the increase in traffic and in order to reduce the time taken by lighter-age system, new docks were constructed during 1975-76 at the mouths of Bedi creek (about 7 km from Bedi port) which came to be known as New Bedi port. Under the scheme of expansion of Bedi port complex, to facilitate handling of big size barges as well as to reduce the time on the lighter- age system, a modern high level platform enclosing the old Rozi jetty head (on Rozi island) was constructed in 1994-95.A passenger jetty constructed in the early part of 20th century on Rozi island was replaced now by the new jetty. View Profile >>
Point Calimere Lighthouse Nearest Railway station is Nagapattinam-about 50 Km from point Calimere. There is a cart track about 5 Km from Kodikkarai village to Point Calimere through forest area for which permission has to be obtained from Forest Department before entering the region and using the cart track.‘Calimere’ is the Dutch word for beautiful. Towards the end of 16th century, the Dutch contingent had camped on this coast and so the name. They must have raised some land mark for the identification but no such ruins are seen now. The first ever lighthouse was provided here in the 8thcentury during the regime of Raj-raja Chola. It was a mound of stones over which logs were burnt as the source of illumination. The present Lighthouse was built in 1890 during British regime for the benefit of the vessels approaching the port of Nagapattinam. It was an ordinary wick lamp. In 1902 a 4th order optic with occulting flashing light was introduced in place of wick lamp. In 1926 when the LH Expert Mr Stevenson visited the place, he mentioned in his report that he could not enter the tower as it was locked and the light keeper was absent.The ‘Dallan Mixer’ equipment operating on DA gas,with three panel 150 mm size revolving optic, of AGA make(Ex Armagon LH),was installed in 1933 in place of the 4th order optic. This equipment was earlier at Armagon lighthouse which was abandoned in 1928. The same equipment functioned satisfactorily till 1995. The entire equipment was replaced by a 300 mm drum optic with electronic flasher (JLWL) &12 V 100 W halogen lamp operating on Batteries charged by Solar panels, on 31st March 1996.In 1986 a ‘Racon’ transmitting code ‘K’ was installed on the tower by ONGC for their oil exploration programme. View Profile >>
Pondicherry Lighthouse Pondicherry is the headquarters of former French settlements in India-Pondicherry and Karaikal in Tamilnadu,Yaman in Andhra Pradesh and Mahe in Kerala. The city of Pondicherry is the typical cosmopolitan with 55 languages spoken here. Pondicherry is famous for ‘Aurovillo’; the ashram set up by Sri Aurobindo Ghosh, the Revolutionary Saint. It has the reputation of being an international city and is about 3 ½ hours drive from Madras (Chennai). The rail network terminates here.The French East India company established settlement at Pondicherry in 1673. They transformed this obscure village into a flourishing trading centre .The Dutch captured it from French in 1693 but returned it to them in 1699. The French handed over the territory to the Government of independent India in 1954. It was given the status of Union Territory on ist November 1956 so as to retain its specific identity. The early sea-farers to Pondicherry were guided by log fire kept burning on Gorimedu hill 5 km west of the port. A 25 m lighthouse standing on the sea edge near the place Du Government was built by French in 1836 and powerful wick lamp inside 5th order optic was placed on it. The lighthouse was commissioned in to service on 1st July 1836. After 50 years of service the wick lamp was replaced by a PV Burner and 4th order optical apparatus supplied by M/s BBT, Paris in 1886. In the year 1931 modification work was carried out and the fixed light was replaced by the revolving equipment supplied and installed by M/s BBT, Paris. View Profile >>
Porbandar Lighthouse Porbandar, the birth place of Mahatma Gandhi is connected to BG Rail network. There are direct trains from here to Delhi, Mumbai and Howrah.National Highway No.8–B extends up to the city. Porbandar finds its reference in history as ‘Porvelakul’ in 889 AD during the rule of Ranak Bashkaldev. The town acquired its present name from the temple of ‘Porav mata’ established in 8th century. Rana Sartanji occupied the region in 1686 AD and built the fort of Porbandar. He established the state of Porbandar and developed the port here. The sailing vessels from Porbandar sailed to Bombay, Malabar, Ceylon (Srilanka), South-east Asia and China.Mid 19th century saw the introduction of steamers on the Indian coast. And steamers also started touching ports of Mangalore, Bombay, Porbandar and Karachi. In the year 1921 the British India Steam avigation Co introduced a passenger cum cargo steamer service between Porbandar and East Africa which was discontinued in 1939 due to the out break of World War-II. Later on M/s Scindia Steam Navigation Co took over the services plying between Porbandar, Karachi and Bombay, touching various other ports of Kathiavar Saurastha and continued till early 1960s. Incidentally the founders of Indian Maritime carriers (M/s Scindia Steam Navigation Co) Mr Morarji Gokuldas and Mrs Sumati Morarji belonged to Porbandar. During the early existence of the port there wasn’t any systematic aid to navigation provided to guide the vessels to port except that a staff was erected at the entrance of the creek to hoist flags as and when vessels were expected to arrive. Later on a tall mast with facility of hoisting an oil lamp was provided during early 19thcentury. View Profile >>
Porto Novo Lighthouse Porto Novo,an uncommon name for an isolated fishing hamlet in coastal Tamil Nadu. But that name is a reminder of many years of Portuguese, Dutch and the British presence in the region. Porto Novo is called Parangipettai in Tamil, which roughly means "foreigner village". This historically important place has nothing more than a flag mast and a laque now. Many of the churches and buildings, built by the Europeans, have crumbled to the ground. Porto Novo was an important trade centre under the Europeans, with industries like ship building and fishing.It also had an important arbour. During the British rule, iron made here was exported to England. It has the distinction of having the first iron foundry in Asia. Even now, some iron railings in Chennai Central and Chennai Egmore Railway stations have made in Porto Novo embossed on them. The historically important Second war of Mysore was also fought here between Hyder Ali and the British under Sir Eyre Coote in July 1781. He eventually lost the battle and sought exile at Chidambaram.Now he town has lost its old glory and it is impossible to visualise its past with the images of the present in front of you.Today the town is mainly a fishing village where the people eek out a living by fishing on the estuary. The town also has a rich ide to it, thanks to money from the gulf. The only tourists here are the pilgrims, as this an important pilgrimage centre for Muslims. A walk down the streets of this town will explain why: I came across mosques and dargahs in almost every street. This town also houses the famous Centre for Advanced Studies in Marine Biology, Annamalai University. This is not a destination for a casual tourist, but a dream for the history and archaeology enthusiast. View Profile >>
PudiMadaka Lighthouse Pudimadaka is about 30 km from Anakapalli Railway Station on Visakhapatnam-Rajamundry section and 60 km by road from Dolphins Nose Lighthouse, Visakhapatnam. There is no trace of any Beacon at the site or nearby prior to the present Lighthouse. A rock temple on the coast served as the day mark for many decades. The present Lighthouse was constructed during 1970-71. The D.A. Gas equipment with ASR-3 mantle and Gas motor for driving the optic assembly, supplied by M/s B.B.T., Paris was installed on the tower. The light was commissioned on 21st January 1971. Subsequently with the extension of Electric mains supply to the station, light source was replaced by an electric lamp on 31st March’91 View Profile >>
Pulicat Lighthouse The Lighthouse station is separated from Pulicat town by a sea water channel. Pulicat is 20 km by road from Ponneri railway station. There is a regular ferry boat service available to cross the channel and reach the Lighthouse after 5 minutes walk. The lighthouse at this site is meant to warn against the existence of a shoal about 4 NM from the shore. The shoal extends more than 9 NM toward south. The LH expert Mr Alan D Stevenson on his visit to this lighthouse in 1926 observed the light to be extremely low powered for the purpose of marking such danger. Besides he also mentioned about frequent Malarial attacks infesting the station.There was an old Lighthouse positioned adjacent to the present Lighthouse Tower. It was a 20m high Brick masonry circular tower with black & white bands. The tower was constructed in the year 1859. The equipment consisting of a fourth order optic with PV light was installed on this tower The equipment remained in service till 1986 after certain modifications carried out in 1910. The present Lighthouse Tower was constructed during 1984-85 and PRB-21 equipment supplied by M/s Asia Navigation Aids, New Delhi was installed and commissioned on 25th August 1986. The old Lighthouse Tower was later dismantled. Sealed beam ‘D’ type lamps were replaced by Auto head lights with 24V 100W halogen lamps in 1995. Pulicut will be also be a DGPS station View Profile >>
Pulomilow Island Lighthouse Pulomilow islet is part of Little Nicobar group of Islands and is separated from the main island of Little Nicobar by a deep channel. The Lighthouse is situated on the Northern tip of Pulomilow Island and is approached from the beach on Eastern side through a hilly track. The island has a few inhabitants who have connections with Little Nicobar Villages. Their hutments are peculiar in shape and size and different from North Nicobarese Hutments. They resemble the inhabitants of Thailand who often visit them. Little Nicobar is visited by passenger vessels plying between Port Blair and Campbell Bay. The vessels anchor close to Pulomilow taking bearing from the lighthouse.The 12m GI trestle tower was erected in 1986. The Lighthouse was commissioned on 6th August 1986 with DA gas equipment operated by sun valve. The equipment was procured from LH Workshop, Madras. The electronic flasher, halogen lamp operating on Solar charged batteries replaced the system and was commissioned on 26th January 1996. View Profile >>
Puri Lighthouse Puri is known internationally for Lord Jagannath temple and the annual Rath yatra. The Jagannath temple was constructed in 1150 AD by the king ntaverma Chodgang. Puri is the Rail terminus providing direct trains to all major cities. The Light house is situated about 8 km west of Railway station.The first ever light at Puri was a wick lamp which was placed on the parapet wall of the Circuit house building in 1877. A raised masonry pedestal was built in to the parapet wall in the year 1887 and a new wick lamp with 5th order optic was placed on it. In 1908 occulting flashing system was introduced. The DA gas flashing light replaced the earlier version in 1925. Subsequently when electric mains supply was extended to the Circuit house in 1949 an electric lamp in a 300 mm optic & lantern was installed in place of the old equipment. When a new building was constructed for the Circuit house a 500 mm lantern of B.B.T. make with 12V 100W twin filament lamp was installed on a 10 m high GI trestle tower fitted on the roof of new Circuit house building. The equipment was commissioned on 1st December 1956. This equipment was replaced by 200 mm moulded glass lantern with electronic flasher operating on Batteries charged by SPV modules on 31st March 1996. A new Lighthouse tower with powerful revolving light was in the mean time planned which was ready in August 2002 on which the equipment supplied by M/s Ana Nav Aids, New Delhi, was installed. The new lighthouse was commissioned on 31st December 2002 View Profile >>
Ramayapatnam Lighthouse Ramaypatnam Lighthouse is connected by a 20 km pucca road to Kaveli railway station on Chennai-Howrah trunk rout. There wasn’t any lighthouse provided at Ramaypatnam prior to the present one. A church built in 1870 at Ramaypatnam served as a land mark for the benefit of ships cruising off the Ramaypatnam coast. The Lighthouse Tower was built in 1982 and the PRB-21 equipment supplied by M/s Asia Navigation Aids,New Delhi was installed on it. The lighthouse was commissioned in to service on 26th June1982. The sealed beam lamps were replaced by Auto Head lights with 12 V 100 W halogen lamps in February 1996 View Profile >>
Rawalpir Tomb Lighthouse Rawal Pir lighthouse is existing on the star board side at the entrance to the Mandvi Port. It is approachable by a village road and is about 8 Km from Mandvi Lighthouse. In 1936 a lantern was kept on the tomb of a Mohammaden ascetic-the Pir. Subsequently a separate cylindrical tower was raised near the tomb in 1947 for placing the Lantern regularly on it. The green filter was added in the same lantern in 1957.The ships could anchor easily at the entrance taking assistance of this light (Green) and the breakwater light (Red). The light was shifted on to a new structure built nearby in 1969 and 300mm optical equipment with DA gas burner was commissioned into service on 26th December 1969. The sun valve was introduced in 1973. The DA gas equipment was replaced by Solar powered equipment with electronic control in 1993. It was commissioned into service on 10th May 1993.A 65m tower for installing ‘X’ Band Radar for the proposed VTS for the Gulf of Kachchh is planned at this site. View Profile >>
Rozi Kalyan Lighthouse The Lighthouse stands on a reef extending off Rozi Island shores and is about 6 km North from Rozi mata Temple which is a prominent 150 year old land mark situated on the mouths of Rangamati creek. Kalwan is approachable during high tides by a motor Launch. A black stone mound was constructed at Kalwan site during 1865-67 along with the development of Bedi Port under the jurisdiction of then princely state of Nawanagar (Jamnagar). The mound was provided to guide the vessels during the day time.Its improvement and transformation into a lighted beacon was carried out in 1917 when a regular steamer service between Bombay and East Africa via Rozi was introduced by M/s Bombay Steam Navigation Co. this lighthouse is an important navigational aid assisting ships to anchor at Rozi anchorage. An oil wick lamp inside 6th order optic was placed on the tower in 1917. The operation of the light was controlled from Rozi mata temple from where an attendant used to bring the spare lamp in a boat during the late day tide and place the same on the tower. The light functioned during fair seasons only. Further improvement to lighthouse was carried out in 1950. An optic with higher range replaced the 6th order optic in 1958. The tower was remodelled in 1966 and a DA gas light of AGA make inside the 300mm optic integrating sun valve was installed the same year.The light now started functioning throughout the year.The Light underwent modernization during 1993 and Solar Power operated light with halogen lamp JLWL was commissioned into service on 21st November 1993. The tower was affected by the earth quake of 26th January 2001 but remained in position for some time till it fell down subsequently View Profile >>
Sacramento Lighthouse In order to indicate the sand shoal situated at the entrance of Vrudha Godavari River, this Lighthouse was constructed during 1893-95 at a safe distance from the sea. The Lighthouse was named after the name of the ship “SACRAMENTO” which grounded on the nearby shoal in 1868. The station is remotely located and approachable by road from Rajahmundry (25 km via Amalapuram) and then crossing of two narrow tributaries near the village Bojjovarepeta. The distance of 2 km from village has to be covered by walk.The construction of the Lighthouse is similar to those built anywhere else by the British during the 19th century except that it is cylindrical and not tapering towards top. The exteriors of the tower has not been painted and left natural. The inner wall has been raised to form the murette of lantern house. The outer wall has been projected out to provide the passage around the lantern house for cleaning the glazing and the dome. A wick lamp was commissioned into service at the Lighthouse towards the end of 1895.Birmingham and was installed on the Lighthouse during 1901-02. The new light was acommissioned in February 1902. The stores and provisions for the Lighthouse were supplied by sea route and from anchorage by sail boats through the tributary of Vrudh Godavri River. The station was visited by the LH expert Mr D.Alan Stevenson in 1926 who had mentioned about the dampness in the tower and inadequate staff dwellings. There was an instrument installed in the tower during late 1930s to measure earth quake tremors in the region. This arrangement remained in operation for some period and then discontinued. The P.V. system worked faithfully for 95 years. When the mains supply was xtended to the station, the P.V. system was given a farewell and a new electrical Metal Halide 230V 400W lamp became operational on 25th August 1997 View Profile >>
Sagar Island Lighthouse Sagar is a large Island situated on the mouths of Ganges. Regular buses ply from Esplanade, Kolkatta to Harwoodpoint jetty for crossing the river Ganga by a passenger barge to reach Kochuberia. From Kochuberia buses ply uptoKapilmuni Ashram at the southern tip of the Island at the confluence of Ganga and the Bay of Bengal. Lighthousejunction (about 25 km from Kochuberia) falls on this route. The 3 kms approach road to Lighthouse from Lighthousejunction is brick paved road.The first Lighthouse was constructed in the year 1821 on a 20m wooden tripod situated at a nearby location. The light source as a revolving reflector array consisting of 14 lamps. In 1852 the same source was shifted on to a new tower. In 1897, the source was replaced by the revolving optic. However erosion of coastline necessitated planning a new Lighthouse away from the coast. Accordingly the present cast iron tower was ted in 1909. The same tower is still in operation. A fourth order revolving optic with 35mm P.V. burner light source is functioning since 18th May1911.The lighthouse station is under control of Kolkatta Port Trust.The Radio Beacon of Radifon (Germany) make was established at the station in 1960 which was placed in 1991 by a MACE origin Solid state Radio Beacon. The DGPS equipment manufactured by M/s Leica Geo Systems, USA and supplied and installed by M/s Elcom Marine, Mumbai The Station has been changed over to DGPS Station on 30th November 1998.The DGPS station is under Deptt of Lighthouses & Lightships. The Port Trust has installed the VTS equipment at the station. View Profile >>
Salaya Lighthouse Salaya is a minor port about 73 km south-west of Jamnagar. A mechanized boat is to be hired from Salaya Port to reach Karumbhar (Kalubhar) islet Lighthouse. The mechanized boat takes about an hour during favourable tide.Salaya is an important tidal port after Bedi, providing shelter to all types of country crafts. An MG rail link was provided to Salaya port earlier that was removed in 1980. Salaya was the only port of erstwhile state of Nawanaagar (Jamnagar) till the development of port at Bedi during 1870s. Lighthouse at Kalubhar was to provided to facilitate entry of vessels to Salaya port. Karumbhar (Kalubhar) islet is made up of sand, mud, and is fringed by mangroves. Around the islet is the vast reef, which dries up during the low tides. The Lighthouse tower was built by the Port Administration of Navanagar State during 1881-84 and an oil lamp inside a Lantern was placed on the tower. It was at that time called Patarpur beacon. Arrangement of dwellings for LH staff and visiting officials is available at the station.In 1903 the oil lamp was replaced by improved wick lamp inside the dioptric optic placed on Cast Iron pedestal. The oil lamp was replaced by a DA gas flashing light in 1950. During 1970 the tower was modified and its height was raised. Optical equipment of 375 mm size (BBT make) inside a lantern house was installed in 1974. The optic assembly was being rotated by gas motors. In the year 1980 a Dal’en mixer equipment (AGA make) was introduced in place of gas motors which was commissioned into service on 21st March 1980. An Electronic flasher (JLWL), Batteries charged by Solar Photo Voltaic panels and halogen lamp inside 500 mm optic (AGA make) in place of the 375mm optical equipment was installed and commissioned into service on 27th September 1994. View Profile >>
Samiyani Island (Okha Port) Lighthouse Samiyani island is situated off Okha lighthouse separated by about 1.5 km wide shoal. The island provides an ideal shelter to the Okha Harbour. Samiyani can be approached without the restriction of tides by a machine boat which can be hired from Passenger jetty at Okha Port. The region of Okha and islands around came under the control of Wadher dynasty in the 14th century. They made their capital at Arambhda, a village 5 km north of Okha. The inhabitants subsequently came to be known as Waghers (of Okha) who in course of time took to sea piracy and looting the pilgrims due mainly to the failure of monsoons in the region consecutively for years. After the British troops cleared Dwarka of Waghers in 1820s and also defeating them in the rest of the region during 1860s,they handed over the territory to Gaikwad of Baroda state. During those days there was a port at Beyt Island (Bet Dwarka) and another at Arambhda - 4 and 8 km north of Samiyani. The crafts heading for these ports took bearing from a tomb on the 12 m high mound on Samiyani Island. The country crafts from Kachchh regularly visited eyt island. Towards the mid 19th century a flag staff with an rangement for hoisting an oil lamp, was erected by the side of tomb. Baroda state built an elegant 20 m high Lighthouse tower with dressed sand stones at the centre of the island in 1876. An oil lamp in a lantern was exhibited from this tower since April 1876. A dioptric optic was added in the lantern in April 1893. In 1926-27 major changes were done-a 4th order Optic replaced the old one and lantern was improved by fitting two separate red filters covering Chandri and Paga reefs. In 1957 DA gas flashing burner was introduced. The equipment was replaced by a 500 mm optic in a lantern house manufactured at Madras work shop in 1962. The DA gas equipment was replaced by lectronic flasher (JLWL) operating on solar energy, on 7th March 1994.The Platinum jubilee celebrations of the Deptt were inaugura
ted at this lighthouse by the Minister of Shipping Mr VP Goyal, on 21st September 2002. View Profile >>
Samiyani Island North Lighthouse The Beacon is situated on the northern tip of Samiyani island and marks the star board side of the entrance of channel leading to Okha port. The port authorities maintain a Buoy with Red light on the port hand side in order to define the entrance of the channel. The lighthouse can be approached from Samiyani main light by cautiously walking during the low tide days. It can also be approached directly by boat from Okha during fair season when the sea is calm.There was a 10 m MS tower erected in 1935 near to the present site. The trestle tower was painted red & white and a light with fixed character was placed on it. A red filter was later on introduced. The light was converted to occulting character in 1936. The Lighthouse Trestle served for about 20 years during which it was badly rusted and was rendered unsafe. A new concrete tower was constructed at the edge of the reef in 1957. The DA gas equipment with 200 mm optic (and red filter) was installed on this tower. It was commissioned on 1st June 1957.A new DA gas equipment with Red filter in 300 mm optic & lantern fitted with a sun valve of AGA make replaced the old equipment in 1962. When the improvement of Aids to navigation in the gulf of Kachchh was taken up during 1980s, this Red light was converted to Green .light. In 1994 the DA gas equipment was replaced by Halogen lamp operating on electronic flasher (JLWL) and Solar panels charged Batteries.The lighthouse was washed away by the devastating cyclone on 9th June 1998. The light was then temporarily shifted on to a 10 m M.S. Trestle tower raised 20 m away, in October 1998. The new RCC tower was constructed close to the old position in July 2002 and the 300 mm optical equipment with electronic flasher (JLWL) was installed and commissioned on 31st August 2002. View Profile >>
SantaPille Lighthouse Santapille Lighthouse is situated about 20 km from Vizianagar Railway Station on Howrah-Chennai route. The main objective of this light is to warn about the shoal about six miles off the shore. A light used to be exhibited from a column like structure on a hillock about 2 km North-East of the present Lighthouse. The ravines of the lighthouse and attached room and Keepers dwellings can be seen there. It is more than 200 years old construction said to have been carried out by the Dutch. A log used to be burnt on the column for the whole night. The British constructed a temporary lighthouse first on the beach in 1840 which was washed off by a cyclone. The present Lighthouse was built by British in 1848. The inner stone lining of the uppermost portion of the Lighthouse Tower has been made into 3.6m diameter Lantern house by providing glazing over it. On the outer side, a cornice and a platform has been provided. The wick lamp was placed in this lantern in March 1849. In the year 1903 the wick lamp was removed and 500 mm optic assembly and P.V. burner supplied by M/s Chance Bros., Birmingham was installed. It was commissioned on 27th March, 1903. The P.V. light source has been replaced by 230V, 400W MH Lamp on 27th March 1995. View Profile >>
Shialbet Lighthouse Shialbet Lighthouse is situated on Savaibet islet separated of by a creek from its mother island of Shialbet opposite Pipavav port. Approach to Shialbet lighthouse is by a machine boat to be engaged from Pipavav port which is connected to coastal highway by a 10 km link road and by a BG rail to national rail way system.This region comprising Chanch, Shialbet, Pipavav and Rajula formed part of Bhavnagar state prior to independence. Bhavnagar state had in 1920 developed port Albert Victor on Chanch creek. A lighthouse was also built along with on Chanch point. It was decommissioned in1967 when the Lighthouse at Shialbet started functioning. Along with the lighthouse a baffle wall for fog signal was also constructed on Savaibet islet. The installation of equipment for the main light, auxiliary light & fog signal, power generating diesel units, all supplied by M/s BBT, Paris was completed in March 1967 and the station was commissioned into service on 31st March 1967.The auxiliary light with red sector has been provided at a lower level on the same tower. The fog signal was discontinued in 1988.The emergency light source operating on DA gas was replaced by halogen lamp operating on battery on 19th February 1994 and the direct drive by stepper motor was introduced on 24th July 1996. The Racon(MACE origin) transmitting code ‘M’ was installed on the tower on 29th October 1999. View Profile >>
Simar Lighthouse Simar village is linked to Una (Taluka Town) by a metalled road extending up to Saiyed Rajpara. Simbor fort and Pankota Islet were occupied by Portuguese and now form part of UT of Diu.While rest of the landscape is part of Una Taluka (Gujarat state).In 1901 a light on a pyramid shaped column 1.5m high inside the fort was established mainly to assist Portuguese vessels to anchor. It was an ordinary wick lamp. In 1958 an RCC column and a cabin were constructed and a DA gas flasher was installed. It was regulated by a sun valve. The light was available during fair season only. The system functioned up to 1993 when it was replaced by electronic flasher (JLWL) and Solar panels for charging batteries on 1st October 1993 and the light was made available throughout the year.In 2003 a GI Trestle 30m tall was erected close to the masonry cabin and the light was shifted on to this tower there by increasing the range of the light. It became operational on 31st January 2003. The relevance of transit did no more exist with the port activities limiting only to the fishing. Therefore they were discontinued in 1992.The DA gaslight was replaced by electronics (JLWL) flashing light working on batteries charged by Solar panels on the 5th October 1993. The range of the light was improved and it was made available now throughout the year. View Profile >>
Tarapur Point Lighthouse Tarapur Point Lighthouse Station is 15 km from Boisar Railway station on Mumbai-Surat rail section. Approach from Boisar is by road up to Ghivali village and then 1 km by walk across the shallow creek. Tarapur came into prominence during early 1960s when India’s first atomic power station was established here.The coast line in the region is shallow and a number of shoals exist close to coast In past there was ship wreck in the region .As such there was a demand for establishment of a powerful light at this site. A light used to be exhibited from the Tarapur fort about 4 km away during the late 1950s, which was later on discontinued. The light house tower at the present location was constructed in 1958-60 and the electrically operated optical equipment with gensets supplied by BBT, Paris was installed on the tower. The Lighthouse was commissioned on 21st June 1961. The auxiliary light (Red) was also commissioned simultaneously to warn against shallow reefs along the coast off Tarapur point. The emergency light on gas was replaced by battery operated light in 1996.The incandescent lamp was replaced by 230 V 400W Metal halide lamp on 30th November 1999, which was replaced by 230 V,3x70 W MH cluster lamp on 31st August 2003 . View Profile >>
Umargam Lighthouse Umargam is about 6 Km from Umargam Road railway station on Mumbai-Surat rail section . This region was part of Thane district prior to creation of Gujarat in 1960.Umargam is situated on the southern bank of Nargol creek. It was a small village about two centuries ago, serving as a transit point for exporting marine products from the fishing port Nargol on the Northern Bank of the creek.In the olden days an oil lamp on a wooden tripod was provided at the entrance of the creek which was later replaced by a 500 W electric lamp over a trestle tower erected at the same spot. In order to assist the coastal shipping and traffic to gulf of Khambat and gulf of Kachchh the present Lighthouse Tower was constructed in 1979 and PRB-42 equipment was commissioned into service on 21st May 1979. The solar panels were installed in 1998 and genset added in 1999 so as to augment the power position.The 2.4m diameter GI lantern house fabricated at Mumbai was installed at the station and the `C’ type sealed beam lamps were replaced by `D’ type sealed beam lamps on 31st March 2002. View Profile >>
Uttan Lighthouse The Lighthouse station is about 12 km by road from Bhayandar (Local) Railway station. The regular public transport for Uttan is available from Bhayandar Railway station.The station is situated on a hillock, South of the entrance to Vasai creek. There was no regular light provided earlier at this point. The vessels had to depend on a beacon light periodically exhibited from nearby Dongri point. The construction of the present Lighthouse was taken up and completed in 1958-60 and the equipment for light supplied by M/s Chance Bros Birmingham was installed on the tower. The light was commissioned into service on 15th December 1960. The emergency light with 12V 60W Halogen lamp and direct drive system was installed in January 1996. The incandescent lamp was replaced by 230 V 400W Metal halide lamp in April 1998.A Radio beacon which existed on Khanderi Island (Kanhoji Angre Island), had to be shifted on to the coast for better attendance and quick fault repairs. Uttan Lighthouse site was found to be suitably located for the purpose.As such Khanderi Island Radio beacon station was shifted to Uttan Lighthouse with the new Radio beacon equipment supplied by ‘Nautel’ (Canada) and was commissioned on 25th April 1983.The DGPS equipment manufactured by M/s Leica Geo Systems, U.S.A. and supplied by M/s. Elcom Marine, Mumbai was integrated on 30th April 1998 converting Radio Beacon to DGPS station. The old transmitters to be replaced by M/s Southern Avionics Company,U.S.A (SAC) transmitters. View Profile >>
Valsad Khari Lighthouse The Lighthouse station is about 8 km west of Valsad town and is connected by a pucca road. The nearby village Kosamba is inhibited by fishing community.The light is provided on the South side of the entrance to Valsad Khadi. Auranga River flows into the Valsad Khadi providing a natural harbour for fishing crafts of all sizes. It was an important port till 15th century. The forest produce specially the teakwood, Rice and mangoes were the main items of export while salt, tiles, bricks, coconut products, etc were imported through this port. Portuguese captured the territory in 1500 but could not retain for long and handed over to the British.The first beacon here was provided in 1866. It was a mast on which a wick lamp used to be hoisted during fair season. Afterwards an improved Kerosene light in 6th order optic was introduced in 1883. A 10 m mast replaced the old mast in 1930. A flashing gas light equipment with 10m GI trestle supplied by BBT Paris was installed on a new trestle in 1966. The same light was further improved in 1978 and the light was now made available through out the year instead of fair season only. In April 1996 the gas flasher was replaced by a flasher with electronic controls and halogen lamp working on 12V, 180 AH batteries charged by Solar panels. A new 30m G.I. Trestle was erected during 1998, over which 500mm equipment brought from Lighthouse workshop,Jamnagar was installed together with newly designed electronic flasher (JLWL), halogen lamp etc. The new light was commissioned into service on 16th December 1998. View Profile >>
Vodarevu Lighthouse The construction of Vodaravu Lighthouse was started in July of 2001 and the work of the 30m high RCC tower, powerhouse and staff quarters was completed within ten months. The tower is painted with black and white bands and has a spiral staircase inside. A fourth order revolving optic driven by electronic pulse motors has been installed and the illuminant is a cluster of three 70W Metal halide lamps. View Profile >>
Wasi Borsi Lighthouse The Lighthouse is about 20 Km west of Maroli Railway Station on Mumbai- Surat rail section. Buses ply from Maroli to Machhiwad and go upto the lighthouse known as Deevadandi.The tourist spot Ubhrat is about 10 km west from here.The region was under Baroda state prior to independence. The state had developed a small port here mainly to export forest produce, fish, cotton and import salt, Mangalore tiles, coconut products. The port had trade links with Calicut, Cochin, Bombay and Karachi. Now the port activities are limited only to fishing.For the purpose of assistance to navigation a series of flag staffs were provided to serve as beacons. With the increase in vessel traffic in the gulf of Khambhat, the necessity of establishing a powerful light was felt. As a stop-gap arrangement first a gas light was exhibited from trestle tower in 1965. Later a 34m RCC Tower was constructed during 1981-82 and a DA gas Dal’en mixer with revolving optical equipment supplied by BBT, Paris was installed and the light was commissioned on 30th March 1982.With the extension of mains supply up to the station, the DA gas equipment was then removed and Electrical equipment was commissioned into service on 15th March 1996. The incandescent lamp was replaced by 230V 400W Metal Halide lamp on 15th September 1999. View Profile >>