Automotive Body Coach Building
Hydraulic & Pneumatic Equipment
Industrial & Shipping Containers, Barrels And Drums
Insulators, Insulation Material & Accessories
Mechanical Power Transmission Tools And Accessories
Miscellaneous Automobile Parts, Components & Equipment
Miscellaneous Electrical & Electronic Items
Ship & Marine Tools, Equipment & Accessories
Contact Details
B-XXX-1743/1A/6/2,Main Road,The Proprietor i.e. Madhusudan Kumra is a mechanical engineer and an MBA with more than 10 years of aggressive experience in this trade. He also has been formerly a practising chartered engineer on this port and commissionerate. Thses are handling ferrous and non-ferrous Scraps, Paper & Pulp baggage, raw materials / intermediates / finished products and capital goods.
M S Exim Services team consists of a well experienced and trained staff, supported by fully computerized documentation and interaction and armed with the latest communication equipment.