Automotive Body Coach Building
Hydraulic & Pneumatic Equipment
Industrial & Shipping Containers, Barrels And Drums
Insulators, Insulation Material & Accessories
Mechanical Power Transmission Tools And Accessories
Miscellaneous Automobile Parts, Components & Equipment
Miscellaneous Electrical & Electronic Items
Ship & Marine Tools, Equipment & Accessories
Contact Details
Level 6, T&G Building,Container Traders have been selling & hiring shipping containers on the Australian domestic market since 2016, but it’s the innovation of the secondary applications that makes Container Traders more than containers.
Container Traders have seen the explosion in the shipping container housing movement, and you only have to browse Pinterest for 2 minutes to see Shipping Containers are now woven into the fabric of design and are now the darling of architectural upcycling! The shipping container is much more than economical, convenient, and secure alternative to storage sheds and no longer considered the dirty, offensive alternative!
Container Traders team at Container Traders have an intricate understanding of the do’s, don’ts & tolerances when modifying containers, so if you have a project you would like to discuss, get in touch with our team today.