Business Summary
Sunrise International Courier and Cargo the name the business community trusts and relies on daily for its delivery of time sensitive documents and parcels.
Sunrise International Courier and Cargo was incorporated on 10th Jan 2015 with the director who had 2 years of experience in courier industry.
Sunrise International Courier and Cargo the period, effectively studied and learned the industry, gradually investing its time and resources into quality personnel. Further more throughout this time, built up an impressive array of customers who continue to rely on and are still the focal parameters used to measure our success rate on a daily basis.
Sunrise International Courier and Cargo the beginning, we recognized that when we perform for you, our performance reflects directly on you and your business because of our prompt service irrespective of quantum. We attach great significance to providing personal care and attention to every single consignment and through that to every single customer. We are a Company with Vision. Encouraging the sharing of new ideas, thoughtful Planning and responsive Management. Enjoy an unparalleled reputation for service excellence and for driving our business forward with innovation, integrity and professionalism.
Sunrise International Courier and Cargo have a centrally located team of professionals engaged in Marketing and Customer Services at marketing division, providing price fixation for each job / lot, and interaction with clients and different Service Centres, attending / resolving grievances of clients. The responsibility rests with the division for deputation of Marketing Executives to meet the customer needs. With the support of these highly innovative staff, we have accomplished our objective to serve you beyond your expectations. Our staff will be friendly, knowledgeable and receptive to your individual needs and request.