Business Summary
IRC Group > LOGISTIC PROCESS Competition has forced companies to invest and focus on supply chains. The growth of telecommunications and transport technologies has led to an increase in supply chains in a way that an enterprise cannot imagine. The supply chain, often referred to as the "logistics network”, includes production stocks, raw materials, shops, distribution centers, warehouses, manufacturing centers, suppliers and finished products moving between sites.
Logistics is the planning structure used by the company's managers to facilitate the distribution of capital flows, data, services, materials and personnel. As a process, logistics is becoming increasingly complex due to the increasing demand for multifaceted data systems and data management in today's global business environment.
Logistics processes help professionals to understand how to move goods and related information by implementing a comprehensive source-to-aim supply chain globally, using one or more systems in a safe and economic way. In general, logistics is a complex and responsible activity due to its merger or borderline task. Logistics is the planning structure used by the company's managers to facilitate the distribution of capital flows, data, services, materials and personnel. This helps to "influence" the specific market benefits of the company.